Welcome to the

7-Day Affirmation e-Course

You hear so many words everyday, and not all of them are positive. Some are fuel and some are hindrances.  Some are life and some are death.  But you don't have to be the victim of other people's verbal ammunition.

Your own thoughts and words have energy.  Make them powerful and positive.  Speak words that support the life you want to create.

Join the 7-Day Affirmation e-Course to change your mental playlist and fortify your mind against the inevitable onslaught of doubt and negative self-talk.

What You'll Get:

1 email every day
  • You will receive an email everyday, at 5:00 am EST/EDT for 7 days
1 guided affirmation daily
  • Each day the email will contain an affirmation to guide your practice
Reflection & Journal
  • Each day you will receive information for reflecting on the affirmation, for journaling and for making it personal to your life and circumstances
  • It's a surprise! On Day #7 you'll get a special surprise to help you continue your practice past the 7 days.